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Thank you for helping us save lives by placing our new professionally created Public Service Announcement (PSA) advertisements. Theses PSAs consist of our professionally created high-resolution print and web PSAs, and our professionally produced radio and television PSAs. Each style has multiple variations, please browse our site to find alternative dimensions and content from each style. If you have any questions related to the use of PSAs, please contact us at contactus@matchingdonors.com.

Since 2004, MatchingDonors has become the most successful nonprofit organization that is finding living altruistic organ donors for patients needing transplants. The award winning MatchingDonors.com website can get over 1.5 million hits in a month.

Every day in the United States, 22 people die waiting 7 - 9 years on the government's invitee-only national organ transplant waiting list. While they wait for a deceased organ transplant that will most likely never come. An additional 253 people die every day that were not allowed on that list because they were too poor, too old or too sick to be considered a “good candidate for a transplant.” A new patient’s name is added to this national organ transplant waiting list every 10 minutes.

MatchingDonors.com is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that is working hard to reduce that number by offering an online platform where those in need of an organ transplant can connect with living, altruistic members who are willing to donate. Because of our unique approach to organ donation, our patients can get their organ transplant within just 6 months of signing up on the website.